The obvious question #1 is, of course, why have a blog entry titled "Obvious Question #1"?
If you have browsed through some of my many videos you will see that what I try and get people to do is to inform themselves, think about things for themselves and reach their own conclusions. The Lord created us with a brain, the gift of logical and rational thought processes AND the free will to use them to think about, meditate on and reach our own conclusions and decisions about the reality we find ourselves in. The Lord gave us these things in order that we might use them to discover not only the truth about the reality He has created but more importantly to discover and get to know the truth of Him. After all, only when you know the truth can you truly love.
Those who do not want you to know the truth and who wish to deceive you, will discourage you from using the brain The Lord gave you, to do your own thinking about, and more importantly, asking awkward questions about, the things they want you to believe are true. They will try and convince you by many different ploys that you do not have the qualifications, intellectual prowess, special secret knowledge, education, information, etc. to be able to think about these things for yourself and that it is best to leave the thinking to those who do and simply put you faith and trust in what THEY tell you to believe. In otherwords they are saying "let US do the thinking for you."
In stark contrast The Lord encourages us to always think rationally and logically for ourselves AND question and test EVERYTHING to see for ourselves if it is true or not. The Lord assures us that those who desire the truth enough to SEEK the truth shall find it. He WANTS those who love the truth to find it. He ENABLES them to find it.
So back to the obvious question of why "Obvious Question" posts. I have found that one of the best ways to find the truth is to ask questions in my own mind. But sometimes it is more interesting, informative, ... and, let's be honest, just plain fun, to ask them out loud. And usually the more obvious and awkward the question the better .... And OK the more fun.
"Obvious Questions" will be the questions that pop into my mind as I listen to or read the news, contemplate current affairs, ponder social issues etc. You might like to ask them in your own mind too (or you may come up with different ones). Or if you want to join in, start up (or stop dead as the case may be:-) a conversation just pop the question into the mix and see what happens. Could be interesting and might even be fun to watch.
OK now you know what they are when they pop up on the blog I'll throw a couple up so you get the general idea....
My life did a 90 degree turn off into an unknown and unplanned future when I was diagnosed with severe Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) in 1996. Being "allergic to the 21st Century" leaves you on a small Island in a vast sea of toxic places. A difficult place to work from if you are a writer, poet, photographer, video maker, and apologist. But you get a very different view of the world from here. "Views From An Island Place" is where I can share it with you. I hope you find it interesting.
Tuesday, 18 March 2014
Tuesday, 4 March 2014
Latest breaking news in this neck of the woods is that I have now been accepted as a contributing photographer on the royalty free images site 123RF. (Click name to go there). Early days yet but my initial 10 photo submissions are up as well as 5 short video footages I put in recently. Another 20 photos are still in the queue being processed but hopefully will be up on site in the next day or two. There will be many more to come in due course and in fact I am out and about right now capturing more of The Lord's wonderful creation. (Yes I am actually sitting out in the Australian bush doing this post via the mobile phone network.)
The above link will take you directly to the 123RF website but if you want to view just my (growing) collection then click HERE.
In relation to Small GIFTS Ministries the 123RF website is an excellent resource and I use it for my own videos when I need images that I cannot capture for myself. In fact the eagle images in my video "On Wings of Eagles" are licensed from 123RF. The concept of royalty free images is that you pay just the one up front price (price varies according to size of the image selected) to download an image but included in the price is a license to use it many times over without the need to keep paying royalties every time you use it. Major commercial uses and users do require special licenses but the standard Licence should adequately serve most SGM applications.
Except for large commercial users Photographers earn their income from the number and size of images downloaded, not the number of times they are used. This is good news for SGMs as images can be downloaded for as little as a dollar or two, and even less if you take out their subscription packages. What is even more good news for SGM's is that photographers often put up a certain number of images from their collections as free downloads. In fact once I can get a decent collection up on site I too will be offering a selection as free downloads as part of my own SGM efforts.
So if you are an SGM or a small group or local church and are looking for relatively inexpensive (and sometimes free) images that you can use royalty free as often as needed for all sorts of purposes I can highly recommend that you check out 123RF and what it has to offer.
PS: Having rather limited financial resources I am hoping to use the sale of my images at 123RF to help fund my own Small GIFTS Ministry efforts. So if you decide to download any of my images you will not only only have some ( hopefully very nice) images you can use and enjoy, you will also be helping my SGM. Even using the above links to visit 123RF and linking others to this blog post will be helping me. My heartfelt thanks to all who do, may The Lord bless you abundantly.
With love from Christ in IslandBard.
#smallgiftsministries #ttpagoTLa
The above link will take you directly to the 123RF website but if you want to view just my (growing) collection then click HERE.
In relation to Small GIFTS Ministries the 123RF website is an excellent resource and I use it for my own videos when I need images that I cannot capture for myself. In fact the eagle images in my video "On Wings of Eagles" are licensed from 123RF. The concept of royalty free images is that you pay just the one up front price (price varies according to size of the image selected) to download an image but included in the price is a license to use it many times over without the need to keep paying royalties every time you use it. Major commercial uses and users do require special licenses but the standard Licence should adequately serve most SGM applications.
Except for large commercial users Photographers earn their income from the number and size of images downloaded, not the number of times they are used. This is good news for SGMs as images can be downloaded for as little as a dollar or two, and even less if you take out their subscription packages. What is even more good news for SGM's is that photographers often put up a certain number of images from their collections as free downloads. In fact once I can get a decent collection up on site I too will be offering a selection as free downloads as part of my own SGM efforts.
So if you are an SGM or a small group or local church and are looking for relatively inexpensive (and sometimes free) images that you can use royalty free as often as needed for all sorts of purposes I can highly recommend that you check out 123RF and what it has to offer.
PS: Having rather limited financial resources I am hoping to use the sale of my images at 123RF to help fund my own Small GIFTS Ministry efforts. So if you decide to download any of my images you will not only only have some ( hopefully very nice) images you can use and enjoy, you will also be helping my SGM. Even using the above links to visit 123RF and linking others to this blog post will be helping me. My heartfelt thanks to all who do, may The Lord bless you abundantly.
With love from Christ in IslandBard.
#smallgiftsministries #ttpagoTLa
Monday, 3 March 2014
Don't think you have any Small GIFT Ministry to offer? Think again!
The SGM concept is all about CONNECTING those brothers and sisters in Christ who have gifts to freely give, to those brothers and sisters in Christ who have need of them. The idea is to use the hashtags #smallGIFTSministries and #ttpagoTLa as keywords that allows us to quickly find each other on the Internet.
There is a very important and valuable SGM that anybody and everybody can share. I call them the "Hashtag Angels". These are brothers and sisters in Christ who make their SGM the task of locating (or they may already know of) existing places on the Internet where gifts and resources are already freely available and using their own site, blog, facebook page, Google account, etc. bring those sites into the SGM movement by sharing the link with others and including in the write up the hashtags #smallGIFTSministries and #ttpagoTLa. Simply by including the hashtags with a link and information about the site brothers and sisters in Christ will be able to find it with a SGM hashtag search even if the site itself does not have the hashtags.
With the help of Hashtag Angels the SGM movement can grow much, much faster because we do not have to wait for sites to come on board the SGM concept. Hashtag Angels can reach out and bring into the SGM search range existing resources that are already out there and freely available to the body of Christ.
May the Lord bless the SGM movement (if it becomes a reality) with many wonderful "Hashtag Angels".
#smallgiftsministries #ttpagoTLa
The SGM concept is all about CONNECTING those brothers and sisters in Christ who have gifts to freely give, to those brothers and sisters in Christ who have need of them. The idea is to use the hashtags #smallGIFTSministries and #ttpagoTLa as keywords that allows us to quickly find each other on the Internet.
There is a very important and valuable SGM that anybody and everybody can share. I call them the "Hashtag Angels". These are brothers and sisters in Christ who make their SGM the task of locating (or they may already know of) existing places on the Internet where gifts and resources are already freely available and using their own site, blog, facebook page, Google account, etc. bring those sites into the SGM movement by sharing the link with others and including in the write up the hashtags #smallGIFTSministries and #ttpagoTLa. Simply by including the hashtags with a link and information about the site brothers and sisters in Christ will be able to find it with a SGM hashtag search even if the site itself does not have the hashtags.
With the help of Hashtag Angels the SGM movement can grow much, much faster because we do not have to wait for sites to come on board the SGM concept. Hashtag Angels can reach out and bring into the SGM search range existing resources that are already out there and freely available to the body of Christ.
May the Lord bless the SGM movement (if it becomes a reality) with many wonderful "Hashtag Angels".
#smallgiftsministries #ttpagoTLa
Friday, 21 February 2014
Like most followers of Christ I am pretty much
an unimportant "nobody" as the world, and even much of the wider
Christian community, measures such things. After all a disabled senior citizen
in a small country town on the underside of the world is hardly the world's
idea of a "mover and shaker".
But something very strange ( if miracles are not
a common occurrence in your life) happened to this unimportant
"nobody", he suddenly became disabled and everything he had worked so
hard to become in the eyes of the professional world disappeared overnight down
the drain hole of life. But in its place The Lord gave me some unexpected gifts
that I did not work for but received freely by His grace alone. In the latter
years of my life I find, much to my surprise, this unimportant disabled nobody
is now a writer, poet, photographer, graphics "artist", and video
But it has taken a very long time (and some hard
lessons) to understand what it is The Lord wants me to do with these gifts He
has so freely given to me. He wants me to use them for and share them with, the
whole Body of Christ - FREELY! But even more than that I think He wants this
unimportant nobody to have a try at some "moving and shaking" and
perhaps encourage others to do likewise with the gifts He has given them.
You will note that "Small GIFTS
Ministries" is very much plural and not singular. This is because it is
not intended to be AN organisation but rather, a CONCEPT, and hopefully, with
the blessing of The Lord, eventually a worldwide movement of like minded
individuals (nobodies and somebodies alike) and organizations all sharing the
same vision and creating their own Small GIFTS ministry as The Lord leads them
and using the gifts He has blessed them with.
So what IS "Small GIFTS
Ministries". It stands for:-
"Small Group Internet Facilities and Technical Support".
The intention is
to use the Internet to provide local churches and small groups of Christians
throughout the world with FREE resources and support from the God given gifts
of fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Especially to help new churches and
groups get established but also to help any "resource poor"
congregations and groups who can better use their limited finances than having
to continually purchase the gifts The Lord has already given freely to His
people to grow and nourish the whole Body of Christ.
The concept is based on two foundational
understandings and a command from Christ Himself. The first understanding is
that the rapidly growing church model set up by the Apostles and illustrated in
the New Testament is not that of large, centralised, resource rich,
organisations with cumbersome organisational structures and long "chains
of command". Instead personal discipleship, mentoring and rapid spread of
the Gospel was achieved by "small and many" groups of believers under
the control and guidance of the Holy Spirit and helping one another more as a
community and family of individuals than as an
organisation. I believe the followers of Christ are now moving back to this
proven "Biblical" model in ever increasing numbers.
The second understanding is that the gifts we
receive from The Lord are not for ourselves or for our own advancement or gain
but are for the advancement and wellbeing of the whole body of Christ to which
we belong. Not just our denomination, local church, home group, bible study
group, etc. But for the WHOLE body of Christ, wherever it may be in the world.
Indeed I recommend as a suggestion that all
"Small GIFTS Ministries" that may arise adopt the motto that will
appear at the top of my own special copyright notices allowing free use and
distribution of my works:-
To The Profit and Glory of The Lord
Finally the SGM concept
is in obedience to the command of Christ regarding those He sent out to share
with others the gifts He had given them.
Matthew 10:8
"Freely you have received, freely give."
Perhaps your local
church records its sermons (video or audio). If your church or group is
blessed by those with the gift of teaching and preaching why not share the
recordings with those many groups and churches around the world who do not have
easy access to pastors and teachers. Even well written sermon notes can be
shared with other pastors and lay preachers from around the world to work
together so that preacher may sharpen preacher as "iron sharpens
That excellent article a
member of your church wrote for the church newsletter - why not share it freely
with the world and let them be a blessing to the whole body of Christ? In fact
if your church has one of those newsletters that are packed with useful
information, tips, articles, etc. why not share the whole newsletter with the
world wide body of Christ?
If your home group or
Bible Study group is blessed with gifted people consider how you can share that
blessing with other home groups and Bible Study groups wherever they may be and
be a blessing to them also. If you are a writer, poet, video maker,
photographer and graphics design person like me, or a singer, songwriter,
composer like my daughter ("minstrelbear" on YouTube) why not freely
share with your brothers and sisters in Christ everywhere the blessings of the
gifts you have freely received from The Lord for that very purpose?
Are you gifted in administration,
church and small group planting, operation, and growth, website creation,
Information Technology, crafts, trades, etc? Why not freely share "How
To" guides, videos, advice, facilities, etc. via the internet, DVD and DVD
(.iso) image files, email, etc. to help those churches and groups who do not
have easy access to such blessings?
The list is as long and
as wide as your vision but you get the idea.
For example, for quite
some time now under a special copyright notice my eBooks have been made freely
downloadable and distributable for non-profit, non-commercial use by my
brothers and sisters in Christ wherever in the world they may be and I am about
to do the same with my video works and blog posts to create my own Small GIFTS
Ministry. May I encourage my brothers an sisters in Christ everywhere to
likewise create their own SGM to share their gifts, large and small, freely
wherever they are needed or may be used in the body of Christ.
Feel free to adopt or
adapt the special copyright notices I use, or create your own. (Mine are not
based on legal advice but are intended to make it clear that I retain ownership
and control of and rights to, the material at all times and that what is being
given is PERMISSION to share and distribute it on a cost free basis only for
non-commercial purposes. Likewise the motto "To The Profit and Glory of
The Lord Alone." can freely be used as can the spotlighted cross in the
circle logo I created (I can make the logo image file available). It would be
great to see them cropping up on SGMs around the world to symbolize unity in
diversity in an SGM "movement". But I have to leave that in the hands
of The Lord.
Obviously the first
thing you will need is access to the Internet. You will also need some sort of
host site where you can store your material on-line and make it available for
viewing and/or download (unless you are doing yours by email or some other means). There are a number of such hosting sites (Google+ and
YouTube are one example but there are many others and you do not have to limit
your self to one only.) Some may require an annual fee while others do it for
free if you do not mind the odd bit of advertising popping up here and there.
I am still praying about
and trying to organize such a site for myself. BUT HEY! Wouldn't it be
incredible if some CHRISTIAN web hosting sites decided their SGM is to freely
host other SGMs as download sites! THAT is how SGM works, everybody being
individually led by the
Lord to find ways to
freely share with the whole body of Christ the gifts and opportunities the
Lord has blessed them
with for that very purpose. Something to pray about folks!
essential that you either own or control the copyright of the material you
share or you have permission in writing from the copyright owners to freely
share and distribute it. Sorry but you cannot go about freely sharing and
distributing OTHER PEOPLE'S material without their permission. That, I have to
warn, is illegal and you could find yourself in a spot of bother as well as in
need of a lot of prayer (and legal) support.
you retain copyright control of your material and reserve all rights. What you
are giving is PERMISSION to share and distribute the material not ownership and
control of it. Not only do you then retain ownership and control of the
material for all future purposes but you also retain control of the sharing and
distribution. It means nobody else can make money, buy, sell, rent, hire etc.
what you have intended to be freely shared and distributed without cost.
To this end it is a good
idea to include a special copyright notice in anything you share.
Perhaps it is the Lord's
doing (perfect timing) but I just had an article explaining a bit about
hashtags drawn to my attention in an email. Now that I know a LITTLE something
about them and what they do I am going to tag my SGM stuff with 2 hashtags:-
(pretty self
("to the
profit and glory of The Lord alone" - it is a more unique identifier for
freely usable Christian resources)
Hopefully by using these
hashtags it will not only help any SGMs find each other but also help small
groups, churches, etc find SGMs and their available resources. Please use them
where you can. It would be wonderful if soon when a small group of brothers and
sisters somewhere in the world type in these hashtags they are presented with
screens full of freely available resources and help and not the empty screens
currently produced (I tested to see if anybody else was using them). By the way you can also further refine your search using other keywords in addition to these when searching.
BUT DO BE CAREFUL! Remember #smallgiftsministries and #ttpagoTLa are nothing more than KEYWORDS that can be used to help people find brothers and sisters in Christ who are willing to share their gifts for free. A search using these keywords is no different to any other internet search and there is no control over who can use them in their sites, blogs, etc.. They offer no special protection. Like the internet itself, nobody (on earth at least) controls the SGM concept (if it gets off the ground), me least of all. It is merely brothers and sisters in Christ helping one another where they can as independent and autonomous individuals and groups. A search using the SGM keywords should be treated with the same caution and precaution as any other internet search and people should use their own discernment and discretion (and virus protection, etc.) in regards to the sites and content their search produces.
BUT DO BE CAREFUL! Remember #smallgiftsministries and #ttpagoTLa are nothing more than KEYWORDS that can be used to help people find brothers and sisters in Christ who are willing to share their gifts for free. A search using these keywords is no different to any other internet search and there is no control over who can use them in their sites, blogs, etc.. They offer no special protection. Like the internet itself, nobody (on earth at least) controls the SGM concept (if it gets off the ground), me least of all. It is merely brothers and sisters in Christ helping one another where they can as independent and autonomous individuals and groups. A search using the SGM keywords should be treated with the same caution and precaution as any other internet search and people should use their own discernment and discretion (and virus protection, etc.) in regards to the sites and content their search produces.
The Internet is about to
discover its first Small GIFTS Ministry. I pray to The Lord it will not be the
last, but the first of many.
With Love from Christ in IslandBard
#smallgiftsministries #ttpagoTLa
it is done freely and without charge
"Introducing The Concept of Small GIFTS Ministries"
may be copied, used and distributed
(in its
entirety only including this notice)
by brothers and sisters in Christ
to the
profit and glory of The Lord alone (ttpagoTLa)
special permission of
D.J. Ludlow copyright 2014
#smallgiftsministries #ttpagoTLa
Friday, 24 January 2014
(An article I wrote several years ago)
Sometimes we get enlightenment from the
strangest of places, even an animated movie about a strange little alien dude
called Stitch and his equally little Hawaiian friend Lilo. It has been some
time since I enjoyed watching Lilo and Stitch but something I will never forget
about it is little Lilo’s explanation to Stitch of the Hawaiian word OHANA. To
quote Lilo:-
“Ohana means family. Family means nobody
gets left behind ... or forgotten.”
I had call to remember it a little while ago
when I was talking to a brother and friend about a new interchurch men’s group
and an elderly brother and friend came to mind. A brother who has not been in
the best of health in recent times. What about him and those like him I asked,
are they not also brothers in Christ? Our plans must include them. They need to
be as much a part of any men's group as we are, we cannot leave them behind. -
They too are the "Ohana" of the Lord.
It is so easy to get ourselves tied up in
programs and "leadership" the way the world does it. We prepare the
programs, the planned activities and the schedules, the goals and the mission
statements, etc.. We decide the way, raise the standard, and set the pace and
having fulfilled our "leadership" role we hand responsibility over to
the followers themselves to keep up with us. But many cannot keep up for many
different reasons, and sadly all too often they just disappear from our radar
screens and get left behind. They fall through the cracks in OUR organisations
(but never from the hand of the Lord Himself).
BUT we are not called to leadership as the
world considers “leadership”. We have but one leader, the Lord Himself. Even
Jesus did not call Himself “the good leader” but rather, “the good shepherd”.
Likewise He exhorts those of us who would take on the responsibility, not to be
“leaders” of His people but shepherds of His people, like Him. For a shepherd
is much more than a leader, he is a caretaker who lovingly tends the needs of
every single sheep in his care – ALL of them! Jesus did not say to Peter if you
love me lead my sheep, rather He said to Peter if you love me feed my sheep. It
is not the responsibility of the sheep to keep up, it is the responsibility of
the shepherd to ensure none get left behind. Moses was raised by Pharoah in
Egypt and no doubt taught in the ways of being a great leader of a nation. But
the Lord first took Moses to the desert for many years to learn the ways of the
humble shepherd before asking him to shepherd His people to the Promised Land.
The truth is we who are in Christ are not
people of the world that we should follow the ways of the world - we are the
family of the Lord, who follow the ways of Christ Jesus Himself. WE ARE OHANA!
The ohana of the Lord! Ohana means family – and family means nobody gets
forgotten – nobody gets left behind.
John 6:37-40 "All that the Father giveth me shall
come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. For I came down from heaven, not to do mine
own will, but the will of him that sent me.
And this is the Father’s will which hath sent me, that of all which he
hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last
day. And this is the will of him that
sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have
everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day."
it is done freely and without charge
"The Ohana of The Lord" may be copied, used and distributed
(in its
entirety only including this notice)
by brothers and sisters in Christ
to the
profit and glory of The Lord alone (ttpagoTLa)
special permission of
D.J. Ludlow copyright 2012.
#smallgiftsministries #ttpagoTLa
Saturday, 4 January 2014
(An article I wrote for my local church bulletin)
"After this I looked, and there before me was a great
multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and
language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing
white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands" (Revelation 7:9
I was reading this passage the other day again and, as often
happens, the Lord showed me something else that had never occurred to me. How
did John know they were from many nations, tribes, peoples, languages etc. -
just by looking at them?
Then it occurred to me that they may all have been in white robes
and holding palm branches - BUT .... they were not necessarily all the same. I
kinda like that they may have been all different sizes, different complexions
and facial features. Perhaps different hairstyles, singing styles, etc. Maybe
some were swaying and tapping feet, and some I know of, probably
"air-guitaring" with their palm branches. Some maybe looked a bit
like you and some a bit like me and a whole lot who thankfully looked like
neither of us :-). Some may be were playing drums and upturned bins, others flutes, tambourines and bells. Others may be clapping sticks and boomerangs and playing didgeridoos as together they make a joyful noise unto the Lord.
To think of "Christians" simply as people like
ourselves is such an easy trap to fall into. But it was a very, very long time
before ANY Christians were English speaking, western cultured, suited and tied,
Summer dressed, middle classed people.
But the Lord does not call us to liken ourselves to each other,
but to Christ Jesus. A lower classed, cloaked, tunic and sandal wearing, Jew
from the Middle East who never spoke a word of English in His entire time on
Earth. But equally clearly we are to liken ourselves in the spirit and not in
the flesh / clothes / eating habits / housing styles / income bracket / age
group / way of speaking / etc.
Therefore, next time you
warmly welcome to your fellowship those multitudes whom the Lord has drawn
from "every nation, tribe, people
and language" just as they are, remember that the only thing the Lord has asked them to give up from their multitude of cultures and lifestyles is that which is sinful, not that which is different. And do not forget to welcome also those
brothers and sisters in Christ He has drawn from out of those other oft forgotten foreign,
and not so foreign places from which the Lord rescues His people. Those He has
redeemed from the tribes of the gangs of the streets, the peoples of addiction,
the nations of the disabled, the people of poverty, the children of abuse,
etc.. Welcome equally, ALL who have washed themselves in the blood of the Lamb
and been redeemed by the same God who redeemed even us. Let there be no
distinction among those in Christ.
Galatians 3:28 "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is
neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in
Christ Jesus. 29 And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s
seed, and heirs according to the promise"
it is done freely and without charge
"Making Room In The Church For The Multitude"
may be copied, used and distributed
(in its
entirety only including this notice)
by brothers and sisters in Christ
to the
profit and glory of The Lord alone (ttpagoTLa)
special permission of
D.J. Ludlow copyright 2013.
#smallgiftsministries #ttpagoTLa
Why The Name?
OK, finally found my way back here. Still have not the foggiest of how Blogger and Google+ works. I log in and get columns of snippets of goodness knows what from goodness knows who with no rhyme or reason to it all and no explanation as to what to do with it. I am sure there is an explanation somewhere but a big shiny "getting started" button might be nice, especially if it is connected to some good tutorials and a step by step setup guide that explains how it all fits together. I'll keep puttering around but not exactly what I would call an intuitive look and feel to the whole thing at the moment. OK that felt good. Moving on now ...
In case anybody is actually seeing this blog yet and may perchance be wondering about the name of it (Views From an Island Place) those who have visited my IslandBard YouTube Channel will know that I have been a victim of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) since 1996. MCS isolates you from the modern world and restricts you to a few safe islands in a vast chemical "sea" of polluted places. If you want to know more about MCS type "Multiple Chemical Sensitivity" into your search engine. Skip all the old "it is all in your head" sites and check out some of the more recent research articles where doctors and scientists are discovering that it is a very real physical injury and disability.
In the meantime my videoed poem "An Island Place" will help add a little more insight.
In case anybody is actually seeing this blog yet and may perchance be wondering about the name of it (Views From an Island Place) those who have visited my IslandBard YouTube Channel will know that I have been a victim of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) since 1996. MCS isolates you from the modern world and restricts you to a few safe islands in a vast chemical "sea" of polluted places. If you want to know more about MCS type "Multiple Chemical Sensitivity" into your search engine. Skip all the old "it is all in your head" sites and check out some of the more recent research articles where doctors and scientists are discovering that it is a very real physical injury and disability.
In the meantime my videoed poem "An Island Place" will help add a little more insight.
Monday, 30 December 2013
Not sure who is seeing this yet. What started out as a simple YouTube Channel is now a Google+ social labyrinth and I have no idea yet how it all works or fits together. But like a good little lab rat I ran down this particular tube and discovered a place to blog. A rather fortuitous discovery as my old blog site of similar name got "disassembled" when suddenly decided not to host blogs anymore and scrapped its "BigBlog" site.
But being a poet and writer as well as a video maker and photographer, not having a place to "publish" my thoughts and observations is like trying not to breathe.
I don't think anybody is going to be that interested in what I had for breakfast, or who I met down the street, etc. You will be pleased to know it is not going to be that sort of blog. Rather it is going to be thoughts and observations about many diverse matters and aspects of the world and reality we all live in together. Much like my previous blog it will contain not only writings but also the odd poem or two and perhaps the odd photograph or two depending on what this blog system can do.
OK I'm off to check out what Blogger can do and how to drive it and how to set it up. Will try and get back soon.
Oh, by the way, those of you who have visited my YouTube channel will know that I am a committed follower of Christ, but with a very different "take" on things than most denominations and theologians put out. People love to put labels on others because they like life all neatly "pigeonholed". A little advanced warning, you are going to be a little hard pressed to find a label for me other than "Follower of Christ". The world hasn't invented a label yet that will stick to me or a pigeonhole that will accommodate me. I'm kinda ... different than what most people expect.
Bye for now. IB
But being a poet and writer as well as a video maker and photographer, not having a place to "publish" my thoughts and observations is like trying not to breathe.
I don't think anybody is going to be that interested in what I had for breakfast, or who I met down the street, etc. You will be pleased to know it is not going to be that sort of blog. Rather it is going to be thoughts and observations about many diverse matters and aspects of the world and reality we all live in together. Much like my previous blog it will contain not only writings but also the odd poem or two and perhaps the odd photograph or two depending on what this blog system can do.
OK I'm off to check out what Blogger can do and how to drive it and how to set it up. Will try and get back soon.
Oh, by the way, those of you who have visited my YouTube channel will know that I am a committed follower of Christ, but with a very different "take" on things than most denominations and theologians put out. People love to put labels on others because they like life all neatly "pigeonholed". A little advanced warning, you are going to be a little hard pressed to find a label for me other than "Follower of Christ". The world hasn't invented a label yet that will stick to me or a pigeonhole that will accommodate me. I'm kinda ... different than what most people expect.
Bye for now. IB
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