Latest breaking news in this neck of the woods is that I have now been accepted as a contributing photographer on the royalty free images site 123RF. (Click name to go there). Early days yet but my initial 10 photo submissions are up as well as 5 short video footages I put in recently. Another 20 photos are still in the queue being processed but hopefully will be up on site in the next day or two. There will be many more to come in due course and in fact I am out and about right now capturing more of The Lord's wonderful creation. (Yes I am actually sitting out in the Australian bush doing this post via the mobile phone network.)
The above link will take you directly to the 123RF website but if you want to view just my (growing) collection then click HERE.
In relation to Small GIFTS Ministries the 123RF website is an excellent resource and I use it for my own videos when I need images that I cannot capture for myself. In fact the eagle images in my video "On Wings of Eagles" are licensed from 123RF. The concept of royalty free images is that you pay just the one up front price (price varies according to size of the image selected) to download an image but included in the price is a license to use it many times over without the need to keep paying royalties every time you use it. Major commercial uses and users do require special licenses but the standard Licence should adequately serve most SGM applications.
Except for large commercial users Photographers earn their income from the number and size of images downloaded, not the number of times they are used. This is good news for SGMs as images can be downloaded for as little as a dollar or two, and even less if you take out their subscription packages. What is even more good news for SGM's is that photographers often put up a certain number of images from their collections as free downloads. In fact once I can get a decent collection up on site I too will be offering a selection as free downloads as part of my own SGM efforts.
So if you are an SGM or a small group or local church and are looking for relatively inexpensive (and sometimes free) images that you can use royalty free as often as needed for all sorts of purposes I can highly recommend that you check out 123RF and what it has to offer.
PS: Having rather limited financial resources I am hoping to use the sale of my images at 123RF to help fund my own Small GIFTS Ministry efforts. So if you decide to download any of my images you will not only only have some ( hopefully very nice) images you can use and enjoy, you will also be helping my SGM. Even using the above links to visit 123RF and linking others to this blog post will be helping me. My heartfelt thanks to all who do, may The Lord bless you abundantly.
With love from Christ in IslandBard.
#smallgiftsministries #ttpagoTLa
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