Tuesday, 18 March 2014


The obvious question #1 is, of course, why have a blog entry titled "Obvious Question #1"?

If you have browsed through some of my many videos you will see that what I try and get people to do is to inform themselves, think about things for themselves and reach their own conclusions.  The Lord created us with a brain, the gift of logical and rational thought processes AND the free will to use them to think about, meditate on and reach our own conclusions and decisions about the reality we find ourselves in. The Lord gave us these things in order that we might use them to discover not only the truth about the reality He has created but more importantly to discover and get to know the truth of Him. After all, only when you know the truth can you truly love.

Those who do not want you to know the truth and who wish to deceive you, will discourage you from using the brain The Lord gave you, to do your own thinking about, and more importantly, asking awkward questions about, the things they want you to believe are true. They will try and convince you by many different ploys that you do not have the qualifications, intellectual prowess, special secret knowledge, education, information, etc. to be able to think about these things for yourself and that it is best to leave the thinking to those who do and simply put you faith and trust in what THEY tell you to believe. In otherwords they are saying "let US do the thinking for you."

 In stark contrast The Lord encourages us to always think rationally and logically for ourselves AND question and test EVERYTHING to see for ourselves if it is true or not.   The Lord assures us that those who desire the truth enough to SEEK the truth shall find it. He WANTS those who love the truth to find it. He ENABLES them to find it.

So back to the obvious question of why "Obvious Question" posts.  I have found that one of the best ways to find the truth is to ask questions in my own mind. But sometimes it is more interesting, informative, ... and, let's be honest, just plain fun, to ask them out loud. And usually the more obvious and awkward the question the better .... And OK the more fun.

"Obvious Questions" will be the questions that pop into my mind as I listen to or read the news, contemplate current affairs, ponder social issues etc.  You might like to ask them in your own mind too (or you may come up with different ones). Or if you want to join in, start up (or stop dead as the case may be:-) a conversation just pop the question into the mix and see what happens. Could be interesting and might even be fun to watch.

OK now you know what they are when they pop up on the blog I'll throw a couple up so you get the general idea....

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