Easter is the time we remember the day Jesus triumphed over
even death itself. The day The Lord revealed to mankind the biggest surprise of
all. For those who believe in Christ Jesus, death is only the beginning of an incredible new life.
When speaking of the ministry of Jesus many are
tempted to focus on the three years up to His crucifixion, but that misses the
whole point of the resurrection and ascension. In one very important way the
ministry of Jesus did not begin until Pentacost. Up until then it had in many
ways been preparation for that ministry to mankind. It was at Pentacost,
beginning with those in the upper room, that men began to be born again in the
power of the Holy Spirit.
I did not fully appreciate the meaning in Rev
21:5 when it says "And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new." . That is until I was
reading Ecclesiastes the other day and Solomon's conclusion that "there is no new thing under the sun" (Ecclesiastes 1:9) .
At Pentecost Jesus ushered in something
"never before seen" new and incredible. If we but lay down our "same old, same
old" lives under the sun, Jesus, by the power of the indwelling Holy
Spirit is able to recreate in us a new life, a new creature unlike mankind had
ever before witnessed. No longer confined to, or conformed by, this tiny, same
old, same old, world under the sun we become sons of God Himself under HIS
John 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God
But the incredible magnitude and miracle of what it means to be truly born again as "Sons of God" is only fully appreciated if you understand WHO the Bible refers to whenever it speaks of the "Sons of God". When the Bible speaks of the "Sons of God" it is not speaking of man or mankind but of the angels of the Lord, the "elohiym".
But as I
look around today it saddens me to see so many "same old, same old"
churches and Christians doing the "same old, same old" things
everybody else is doing. Trying to gain popularity and members by meeting the
community's expectations instead of by meeting its needs. Jesus came, not doing what was "expected", but doing what was needed, regardless of what the world "expected" of Him. We are called to continue what He
I see so many who, in truth, are only half dead
to the world and only half alive in Christ. That will just tear a person apart.
Half and half does not mean we have a foot in both. It means we are, like the
Church at Laodicea, not really a part of either and Jesus died for us in vain.
Christ is risen, behold there is now a new and very
different thing under the sun - the question we must each ask ourselves is .....
Have I become that new thing under the Son?
Provided it is done freely and without charge
"A New Thing Under The Son" may be copied, used and distributed
(in its
entirety only, including this notice)
by brothers and sisters in Christ
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special permission of
D.J. Ludlow copyright 2013.
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