Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Updated FREE eBook available: The Party at the End of the World: And Other Short Stories

Just done a bit of tweaking to bring the Back Cover info up to date and added the eBook metadata info to the Google+ file info system. (Like other eBook publishers I use the metadata field to add useful info and "write ups" so they perform like normal eBooks). The revised eBook can be downloaded from here:-


Here is the write up for The Party at the End of the World. (The pic is the front cover image file)

"A collection of 8 engaging short stories that lead the reader down some intriguing yet "less travelled" paths to places unexpected.

Who is the "crazy old man" too busy to join the insatiably bored people at the party at the end of the World? What - and who - was it that kept him so busy?

In "Lastborn" who were the strange crowd milling through the corridors of a local hospital, eager to catch a glimpse of a mother and her newborn child? What was it that made this child so special to them?

In "The Perfect Alibi" it seemed an open and shut case - until the handcuffs came out.

Then there is the intriguing question of how a person can get embarrassingly caught up in the "Crosstalk" between the hearing and the hearing impaired?

It is well known that beauty is "In The Eye of The Beholder". But what happens when you add a blind man to the equation? And what happens when somebody who cares about people's special needs is humourously reminded that they have "Common Needs" also?

Other intriguing questions you will find here include:- What is the most valuable gift you can give to an old lady spending her last days alone in a hospital bed? Do the Irish share their luck or do they take it in turns?

If you are looking for a common theme in these stories chances are you will not find one. The closest I have ever come is the "moral" that while no life is perfect every life has something that makes it worth the living. But I would prefer that you spend more time just enjoying them than analysing them. The simple pleasure of sitting back and reading a good story can never be underestimated. So if you find yourself sitting back and just enjoying them that is great. If you unearth any hidden treasures in them I can only say - thank You Lord.

And thank you kind reader, for allowing me to share these stories with you. Please feel free to share them with others using the Small Gifts Ministry Special Permission you will find under the Copyright notice in the front of the book.

D.J. Ludlow

(Provided as a Small Gifts Ministry to the profit and glory of the Lord alone. - #smallgiftsministries #ttpagoTLa )

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