Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Me! Me! Me! - It's All About Me!

There are some in the Christian community of today who will want you to believe that  "it is not about YOU!". But they are quite wrong, it is all about you, it has always been about you.

It is a question some never ask. It is a question that never leaves the lips of others.  It is a question that pervades history, yet mocks time.  It is a question that has no answer.  Yet it is a question whose answer is life and death itself.  What IS the meaning of life?  What is it all about?  Why am I here?

The philosopher says “I think, therefore I am “, and yet after proving the existence of his own life is at a loss to explain its purpose.  Some say all life is one and yet in defining its dimensions are still seeking enlightenment as to its purpose.  Others say all life is illusion and in doing so deny it any purpose.  The God of Abraham, Isaac and Joseph said, “I Am “, and in defining his own existence gave purpose to those who believe in Him.  “Fear (awesome respect and reverence ) God and keep his commandments for this is the whole duty of man”. (Ecclesiastes 12:13) But like children we forever ask “Why “. Yet there is a reason why we cannot answer this age old question – What is the meaning of life?  I realized why the other day -   It is the wrong question! - Me! Me! Me! – It’s all about me!

I was thinking about the times I have been wronged, treated unfairly, wrongly accused, bullied, set upon ( Both physically and verbally), and a myriad other grievances ( it’s a very long list). “I deserve better”, I complained to my Lord! Vengeance is mine, said my Lord, but you - my child – you must forgive. “Why!I cried, and my Lord said, “Because I alone have the power to achieve true justice. You have only the power to forgive - or not to forgive, and for YOUR sake it is better to forgive! For only in forgiveness do you free yourself from the past - and its burdens.

“Father”, I cried, “the world about me crumbles and I cannot save it from itself!” The power to do so is not given to you He gently reminds. It is given to no-one. Not even I can save the world - from itself! But I have given you, and to all the people of the world, the power, and opportunity, to save themselves. What have you done with yours?

“Father”, I asked, “through tears of frustration, there is so much need in all the world and I am weak and tired from effort, and I cannot meet it all. What should I do next?” He holds me in His hand and I find rest. “Be still”, He whispers, “I have not asked this of you. I have given you only opportunities to help and you are doing well with them”. And a light dawned and heralded a new day in my life. Me! Me! Me! – It’s all about Me!

What is the meaning of life? – There is no meaning of life! Its the wrong question! The true question is........ “What is the meaning of MY life?” And the answer to that, lies within me alone!

Me! Me! Me! – It’s all about Me! In everything I do, in everything I say. How I respond to people, to events, to situations, to opportunities and to temptations, to praise and to criticism. The values I place on things. The choices I make. Only the Lord can give me life and empower it, - but only I can give that life meaning!

The question is not, “Are they worthy of forgiveness?” It is “Will I forgive?” For forgiveness is not a measure of the forgiven, it is a measure of the one who forgives. The question is not “What is the majority view?” It is “What view will I take?” For even a million with the same view are still wrong if it is the wrong view! Public opinion is not always the right opinion.

I am not responsible, nor accountable, for the moral and ethical standards and values of our society – but I am for my own! How others judge me is less important than whether I have been honest, open, and truthful enough to let them judge me for who I really am!

I know others may not always like to hear what I have to say, but sometimes it is more important that I say what others do not like to hear. But sometimes it is just as important that I listen to what I do not like others to say – to me!

One man is given power and sacrifices himself for his people. Another is given power and sacrifices his people for himself. Both are loved by some, both are hated by some. But both have determined the meaning of THEIR lives. One has become the harbinger of life, one the harbinger of death. And in determining the meaning of their lives they have determined the consequences of their deaths. Some are born into great wealth – and squander it in misery. Some are born into poverty and enrich their lives beyond measure. So it is with all of us. The meaning of our lives lies within our own hands.

What is to be the meaning of MY life? Only I, and I alone, can decide that!

Me! Me! Me! – It’s all about Me!

D.J. Ludlow

Provided it is done freely and without charge
"Me! Me! Me! - It's All About Me!" may be copied, used and distributed
(in its entirety only, including this notice)
by brothers and sisters in Christ
to the profit and glory of The Lord alone (ttpagoTLa)
By special permission of 
D.J. Ludlow copyright 2003

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