It would seem that CMI ( http://creation.com/ ), like me has been led by
the Holy Spirit to the conclusion that the work of God has always been about
ministry not money. And like me they have asked of themselves the hard
question, why should the copyright laws of man hinder the great commission of
Small GIFTS Ministries ( #smallgiftsministries ) was born out of the conviction that the gifts I have been freely given by the Lord are intended to be freely shared among His people for the nurturing and benefit and ministry of the body of Christ here on Earth, not merchandise to be sold and traded and profited from. We know from John 2:13-16 what Jesus thought of those who would seek to make merchandise out of the things of the Lord.
My vision is that #smallgiftsministries will become a rallying point and search tool for all of those who, like me, wish to freely share, or (as in the case of CMI) indeed are already freely sharing, THEIR God given gifts, and for those of limited resources who so desperately need them. (For the gifts of God are given for those who need them, not those who can afford them.) SGM is driven by the motto “To The Profit and Glory of The Lord Alone” (Hence also the search key #ttpagoTLa ).
It was therefore with great joy and humble amazement that I found Creation Ministries International was already well ahead of me in adopting the SGM concept even if not the #smallgiftsministries hashtag. (To be fair I’m unlikely to be high on the CMI radar – or indeed anybody’s radar at the moment. J)
CMI produce and issue excellent (soundly) scientifically based articles as part of their “Infobytes” ministry. These articles are a very valuable and powerful tool for evangelical and apologetics ministry, both as a source of information and as personal handouts (or hand arounds?) when dealing with those who are naturally very skeptical or who have been strongly influenced by the deceptive claims of atheism. The GOOD NEWS is that CMI (like the SGM movement) gives special permission for these articles to be freely used, copied, printed, distributed and shared by people, churches, etc. for non-commercial purposes.
Rather than put this special permission on each article CMI has created a webpage outlining its copyright and permissions policy. The webpage can be viewed here:- http://creation.com/our-copyright-policy .
At some future time, if the SGM movement gathers strength (Lord willing), I may be honoured to see CMI provide its own links to SGM by including the SGM hashtags somewhere on its searchable webpages. In the meantime because CMI has by its own leading of the Holy Spirit, so thoroughly embraced the SGM concept I am both pleased and proud to use THIS article to link the CMI website to the SGM movement so that those who search either #smallgiftsministries or #ttpagoTLa will now (via this article) find the free ministry offerings of CMI. (This is how “Hashtag Angels” works).
If any would be “Hashtag Angels” out there (may the Lord bless you) are reading this article and are aware of other websites which are also giving special permission for its ministry offerings to be freely used and shared or distributed by brothers and sisters in Christ (does not have to be all of their offerings but some at least) please post an article or link somewhere on the internet where search engines can find it. Include in your article a link to the relevant website or websites along with the hashtags #smallgiftsministries and/or #ttpagoTLa . This is all that is needed to make the relevant website findable (via your article) by those who enter the hashtags as keywords in any search engine, however a little blurb about the linked website would also be helpful to searchers if you can manage it.
Don Ludlow
Small GIFTS Ministries ( #smallgiftsministries ) was born out of the conviction that the gifts I have been freely given by the Lord are intended to be freely shared among His people for the nurturing and benefit and ministry of the body of Christ here on Earth, not merchandise to be sold and traded and profited from. We know from John 2:13-16 what Jesus thought of those who would seek to make merchandise out of the things of the Lord.
My vision is that #smallgiftsministries will become a rallying point and search tool for all of those who, like me, wish to freely share, or (as in the case of CMI) indeed are already freely sharing, THEIR God given gifts, and for those of limited resources who so desperately need them. (For the gifts of God are given for those who need them, not those who can afford them.) SGM is driven by the motto “To The Profit and Glory of The Lord Alone” (Hence also the search key #ttpagoTLa ).
It was therefore with great joy and humble amazement that I found Creation Ministries International was already well ahead of me in adopting the SGM concept even if not the #smallgiftsministries hashtag. (To be fair I’m unlikely to be high on the CMI radar – or indeed anybody’s radar at the moment. J)
CMI produce and issue excellent (soundly) scientifically based articles as part of their “Infobytes” ministry. These articles are a very valuable and powerful tool for evangelical and apologetics ministry, both as a source of information and as personal handouts (or hand arounds?) when dealing with those who are naturally very skeptical or who have been strongly influenced by the deceptive claims of atheism. The GOOD NEWS is that CMI (like the SGM movement) gives special permission for these articles to be freely used, copied, printed, distributed and shared by people, churches, etc. for non-commercial purposes.
Rather than put this special permission on each article CMI has created a webpage outlining its copyright and permissions policy. The webpage can be viewed here:- http://creation.com/our-copyright-policy .
At some future time, if the SGM movement gathers strength (Lord willing), I may be honoured to see CMI provide its own links to SGM by including the SGM hashtags somewhere on its searchable webpages. In the meantime because CMI has by its own leading of the Holy Spirit, so thoroughly embraced the SGM concept I am both pleased and proud to use THIS article to link the CMI website to the SGM movement so that those who search either #smallgiftsministries or #ttpagoTLa will now (via this article) find the free ministry offerings of CMI. (This is how “Hashtag Angels” works).
If any would be “Hashtag Angels” out there (may the Lord bless you) are reading this article and are aware of other websites which are also giving special permission for its ministry offerings to be freely used and shared or distributed by brothers and sisters in Christ (does not have to be all of their offerings but some at least) please post an article or link somewhere on the internet where search engines can find it. Include in your article a link to the relevant website or websites along with the hashtags #smallgiftsministries and/or #ttpagoTLa . This is all that is needed to make the relevant website findable (via your article) by those who enter the hashtags as keywords in any search engine, however a little blurb about the linked website would also be helpful to searchers if you can manage it.
Don Ludlow
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