You see the secret to a big, high resolution picture is not bigger, more powerful pixels. Indeed they just make a picture LOOK bigger, but at the cost of clarity and focus ... and detail. Indeed make them big enough and the picture becomes quite incomprehensible. In short, bigger more powerful pixels cause you to see LESS, not more.
No, the secret to seeing more of the REALLY BIG picture in perfect clarity and detail is to keep building it up from more and more tiny, high quality pixels. The more pixels the more you can see of the big picture, both overall AND in detail (blessed be the ZOOM!).
Don't worry, Jesus' disciples often didn't quite "get the connection" either (for they had not yet been filled with the Holy Spirit who came later at Pentacost after Jesus had risen from the dead and ascended into heaven). A post event "staff debriefing" was often in order before the "AHA" moment hit even them.
The lesson of THIS "parable" is that seeing the big picture of Christ Jesus and what He is all about that the Bible paints for us is. in attention to the "pixels" within it. The LITTLE THINGS that most people miss. Consequently not only do they not see the whole picture, but even what they do see is "fuzzy" and "unfocussed" for lack of detail.
OK "what pixels??" you might ask. "Too many to list them all here", I might reply. But let me point you in the direction of a few examples of "Biblical pixels".
I have heard many people over many years espouse many theories and sermons as to why Jesus uttered the words "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" Yet not a single one of them ever mentioned Psalm 22 which begins .... "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" Psalm 22 are the words of Jesus AS HE hung upon the cross. But they were written hundreds of years before Jesus was born by King David. And yet they ARE the words of Jesus on the cross, describing everything He saw, felt, and thought, as He hung there dying. Apart from totally blowing out of the water all our conceptions of TIME (past, present, and future) we also begin to understand that "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" was much more than a desparate cry of despair. Far from it. It was a final cry of triumph for Psalm 22 is a psalm of triumph over pain and agony. A psalm of the victory of the Lord, a FUTURE promise ALREADY fulfilled, a victory already won. Not a cry of confusion, but a rallying call and a comfort and encouragement to those who knew the scriptures and to His friends and disciples gathered there. Jesus wanted them to know that nothing was happening that was not meant to happen. That this was not the victory of evil over good that it seemed, but the victory of God over evil that was planned from the beginning.
Then there is that perennial question that pops up with monotonous regularity from those who like to argue. If the Law came with Moses, and sin is transgression of the Law, then how is it that those who lived before the Law are guilty of sin?? (For the Lord says ALL have sinned). And how can those who never heard the Law be held responsible for transgressing it. Surely this is not right or just?? Like many others I simply knew they were because the Lord said they were, and I believe HIM. But I could never properly explain WHY they were. Then I had an AHA! moment (or perhaps a DUH! moment). What was the name of that tree that Adam and Eve ate from???? AHHH yeah, that's right,"The Tree of KNOWLEDGE of Good And Evil". The Law might have come with Moses, but the KNOWLEDGE of what is good and what is evil came with Adam and Eve. We KNEW right from wrong from the very beginning .... but did what was wrong (sinned) anyway.
Then there is the endless debate about the authority of the Bible. Some quite erroneously argue that the Bible was written about 300 years after Christ. What they forget is that the BOOKS of the Bible were actually written by the Prophets and Apostles themselves or their contemporaries. However history DOES tell us that one of the first acts of the first ever Christian Emperor and founder of the 1,000 year Byzantine Christian Empire, Constantine the Great, was to assemble ALL the church leaders previously scattered and persecuted by the Pagan Roman Empire. One of the first things this great council of churches did, after much talking among themselves, was to assemble ALL the preserved documents from among the churches and very carefully determine which were, beyond the shadow of any doubt, the genuine and authenticated, and/or endorsed writings of the Apostles themselves, together with the properly authorised and authenticated Jewish Scriptures (which became the Old Testament). These PROVEN 66 books where then assembled and bound into what we know today as "The Bible". This "Bible" was then faithfully copied and distributed to all the churches so that all would be able to have a record of what the Prophets and the Apostles had actually written or verified as a true and accurate record. As it were "a book of rememberance" of the things that are true beyond doubt and to be believed. The Early Apostolic Church and the Churches of the Byzantine Christian Empire called these 66 books "The Oracles of God", being held to be from the Lord Himself.
But all this happened around 325 AD hence the debate. BUT WHAT IF the OT Prophets and "The Oracles of God", THEMSELVES foretold of the Bible, not as a book written by man but as a "book of rememberance" ordered by the Lord Himself for those who desperately wished to know for certain and faithfully follow His will?? I have NEVER heard ANYBODY speak of such a prophecy ... until I came across THIS pixel myself while reading the words of the Prophet Malachi:-
Malachi 3:16 "Then they that feared the LORD SPAKE OFTEN ONE TO ANOTHER: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him FOR them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name. 17 And they shall be mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him. 18 Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not."
Sounds to me like a great council of churches meeting to talk together (actually there were a number of such "councils" ) and a book of remembrance assembled for the guidance of those who believe and fear the Lord! BUT remember these prophetic words were written several hundreds of years BEFORE Jesus was born and the great Nicean Council of Churches and the assembling of the 66 books of the Bible did not occur until about 325 years AFTER the birth of Jesus. And yet the one is the perfect foretold description of the other. The Bible is no ordinary book, but a book FORETOLD and ordained by the Lord Himself.
Then there are the little "pixels" that speak volumes about the character and nature of Jesus Himself. One "pixel" I love in particular takes place after Jesus has risen from the dead but not yet ascended into Heaven. Here is the Son of the Almighty God, who had already been given ALL power and authority in Heaven and on Earth and over even Death itself. Someone with the power of God, and the host of Heaven at His command. And as Peter and the others wearily pull their boats up to the shore after a long night of fishing they find the risen Jesus on the beach standing next to a fire where some fish were cooking alongside some freshly made bread. (John 21) The Son of the Lord Almighty Himself ... had cooked breakfast on the beach for His friends....
D.J. Ludlow
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