Because Easter is the Question to Your Answer:-
My life did a 90 degree turn off into an unknown and unplanned future when I was diagnosed with severe Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) in 1996. Being "allergic to the 21st Century" leaves you on a small Island in a vast sea of toxic places. A difficult place to work from if you are a writer, poet, photographer, video maker, and apologist. But you get a very different view of the world from here. "Views From An Island Place" is where I can share it with you. I hope you find it interesting.
Thursday, 18 April 2019
Saturday, 17 February 2018
The Impossible Conception
Available as a shareable image from my SGM download folders at:-
#smallgiftsministries #ttpagoTLa
Everyday Christmas
Finally got my Roxio Photosuite program working again. Really good for creating this type of image file.
#smallgiftsministries #ttpagoTLa
Tuesday, 13 February 2018
Will You Enter Here
Now that I don't have to try and make it behave itself as an eBook file I can re-release my PDF format eBook "Will You Enter here?" It has an extra poem and some new pictures as well as a new front cover and other updates. I am quite pleased with the way the front cover turned out having wanted to create something that conveys the essence of the anthology in visual imagery.
As with all my eBooks a copy of the PDF file is freely downloadable from my SGM eBook folder here:-
It contains the usual SGM permission notice and is a shareable SGM eBook.
As with all my anthologies the Title of the book is also the Tile of a poem that captures the essence of the anthology. This one is:-
Will you enter here and spend time with me,
Between the sheets of the written word?
A private place of fresh-laundered poems.
Will you caress the flesh of a soul laid bare?
Feel the downy silk here,
And the scar tissue there?
Drink in the sight of a naked heart,
The rise and fall of its sensual beat.
Syncopate to the pattern of its complicated rhythms,
Shy not from an intimacy both rare and deep.
Let the sweet resonance join us a while,
Let's forget about form,
Let's forget about style.
For I seek not seduction with my intimate words,
But the pure warm joy of a sensual meeting
Of like hearts far apart
Briefly as one beating.
D.J. Ludlow Copyright 2000.
I hope you enjoy it
D.J. Ludlow
#smallgiftsministries #ttpagoTLa
D.J. Ludlow
#smallgiftsministries #ttpagoTLa
Small GIFTS Ministries Embraces The KISS Principle
It was quite thrilling to be able to create my own actual eBooks using a freely downloadable eBook creation package. Even the fact that updates meant that what worked one way before didn't work that way anymore did not dampen my enthusiasm. It just meant my next eBook was going to take a bit longer to produce as I tried to figure out the new way of doing things.
It wasn't until I realised how much time and energy it was taking to produce a single eBook, and how much time and energy I did not have that I finally asked myself - why am I creating eBook files when most eBook readers read PDF files just as easily? And PDF files are much, much, easier, simpler and quicker to create. What's more they are readable on just about everything - and are eminently printable.
In fact the main benefit of the eBook specific formats appears to be the ability to control their distribution to ensure pirate copies are not easy to produce, thereby ensuring payment for each copy. Not exactly a high priority for a ministry that encourages the free copying, distribution and sharing of material.
So for the moment my own SGM will be embracing the KISS principle (Keep It Simple Stupid) and producing my future eBooks in simple PDF file format for ease of download, distribution and use. Which means .......
The one I have been trying to get to behave itself for a while now, will be available very shortly.
Hope you like it.
D.J. Ludlow
D.J. Ludlow
Tuesday, 5 December 2017
Freedom Is Freedom Is It Not
I note that when it was all about gender freedom the push to have Same Sex Marriage changes rushed in with as little debate and discussion as possible was immense.
But now the issue has become about protecting religious freedom those who had their foot pressed to the floor on the accelerator now have their foot firmly to the floor on the brakes.
BUT a tolerant society is one in which you have the freedom to have and express a different opinion or belief. An intolerant society is one in which your right to disagree or believe differently is suppressed.
If love is love then surely freedom is freedom is it not?
Tuesday, 21 November 2017
Fruit Picking
A full size copy of this Small GIFTS Ministries image, and many more, is freely downloadable from my Shareable Images folder here:-
Saturday, 4 November 2017
Fully a Man
Ever had those moments when you are reading and
suddenly a door opens in your mind and you suddenly find yourself looking at
the same scene through an entirely new window. That's how this article started.
I was quietly reading Ravi Zacharias' excellent
book "The Grand Weaver (2007) when on page 40 I read:-
"One fascinating verse tells us that the
author of our salvation himself has been made 'perfect through suffering'
(Hebrews 2:10). I have often pondered this text. How is One who is already
perfect, perfected."
I looked up, and a door opened .....
We talk often about Jesus being fully God and
fully man and what we say is indeed true. But do we really ponder everything
that entails? Jesus was well versed at being fully God. However when He was
born of the virgin Mary that was the first time ever that Jesus had experienced
being fully man! He was the ONLY -
begotten - Son of God . Not only that, but being the only Son of God to be
begotten of the flesh nobody else in Heaven knew what it was like either.
Everything Jesus experienced in the flesh He was experiencing for the very
first time. Pain, exhaustion, hunger, thirst, the emotional havoc of hormones,
the weakness of the human body, ... the reality of mortality and the ability to
die or be killed. We forget that this was all a new personal experience for
Jesus. He who is God was now learning firsthand what it was like to be human.
But even more, not just what it was like to be man but what it was like to be A
I must admit that I had never before wondered
why it was Moses and Elijah who met with Jesus on the mountain and not mighty
angels like Gabriel or Michael. But now I think I understand perhaps why. Jesus
was soon to face, as a man, great temptations, pain and suffering, and death.
Neither Gabriel, nor Michael nor any Angel knew what it was like to face such
things as a mere mortal man ..... But Moses and Elijah did!
However I had before wondered what it was in the
Garden of Gethsemane that would so distress the Son of the Almighty God that He
would sweat as if sweating blood and utter such soul wrenching prayers and
pleas. And wondered also when He said "the spirit is willing but the flesh
is weak" was He talking of His sleeping disciples .... Or of Himself? Jesus
was about to endure such, pain, agony, and torment as none in Heaven ever had,
and about to taste what no immortal being tastes - death! His soul was willing but
would His flesh be able to endure to the end? He who had never suffered pain or
death was about to suffer and endure the most horrific, painful, agonising
death imaginable ... For the very first and last time.
For as the Son of God, and as the Son of man,
Jesus had no more, and no less than any man has - the promises of His Father in
Heaven. All that He set aside in Heaven, and all that He endured on Earth, He
did solely on the promise of enablement, resurrection and restoration given by His
Father in Heaven. Jesus asks of every man and woman no more than what He has been
willing to do Himself. To set their selves aside by faith and relying solely on
the promises of God be obedient to Him in all things.
And being obedient even to death in both
spirit and in the flesh Jesus was made
perfect as both Son of God and Son of Man. For as Son of God He had out of
obedience, and by faith, surrendered equality to the Father and suffered to be
made to become a little lower than the angels that He might experience and
endure life and death in the flesh as a Son of Man. So that in His faithful
suffering and obedience He might obtain perfection as the perfect Son of God
AND the perfect Son of Man and in doing so be the perfect and worthy Saviour
and Lord of both the Sons of Men and the Sons of God. The Lamb of God without
blemish in either Spirit or flesh. For the perfect Son of God became the
perfect Son of Man in order that in Him the imperfect Sons of men might become
the perfect Sons of God.
D.J. Ludlow
Provided it is done freely and without charge
"Fully a Man" may be copied, used and
(in its entirety only, including this notice)
by brothers and
sisters in Christ
to the profit and glory of The Lord alone (ttpagoTLa)
By special permission of
D.J. Ludlow
copyright 2017
#smallgiftsministries #ttpagoTLa
Monday, 30 October 2017
Bad Luck Epidemic
(I originally wrote this back in 2015 around the same time that Telstra drained their Bigpond BigBlog swamp and took my first "Views From an Island Place" blog-site with it. Just found it again while rummaging around in my pending blogs folder. Thought I would let it see the light of day seeing as they are still harping on genetics as the incidence rates rapidly climb faster than we change our genes.) ...
I noticed from an ABC news report a couple of years ago (2nd January 2015) that according to John Hopkins University researchers:-
"Bad luck plays a major role in determining who gets cancer and who does not, according to researchers who say two-thirds of cancers of various types can be blamed on random mutations and not heredity or risky habits like smoking."
Basically what they are saying is that about 65% of most cancers (eg. leukemia and pancreatic, bone, testicular, ovarian and brain cancer, etc.) is caused by purely random chance mutation and not by hereditary or environmental and pollution factors.
This is good news for INDUSTRY and commerce. They have everything to lose and nothing to gain in the elimination of cancer causes, but there are huge profits to be made in selling cancer cures. After all you can't sue or slap an injunction on "random chance" for causing your cancer but a lot of people are going to make a good living out of trying to cure you.
The trouble with this idea of random chance cancer is that it is NOT obeying the laws of random chance (aka the laws of probability). The laws of probability declare that if you have the same number of genes as before you have the same probability of them mutating by pure random chance as before. Without getting into the mathematical detail it means that for any given population size the number of cancer incidents you can expect by pure random chance will always be the same. If the probability was 1 per 1,000 before it will still be 1 per 1,000 now. That is because random chance is a NUMBERS game, and in this case it is the number of genes and the last time I checked we all still have the same number of genes we have always had throughout all of history.
BUT we seem to be in the middle of a rapidly escalating epidemic of "bad luck" which is seeing the rate of cancer incidences (ie. not just number of cases but statistically as in cases per 1,000 population) skyrocketing which can only happen if something OTHER than random chance mutation is at play in our modern world. It is interesting to note from another article elsewhere that, "According to French researchers, the INCIDENCE (my emphasis) of cancer is expected to increase by more than 75% by the year 2030 in developed countries, and over 90% in developing nations. The study is published Online First in the Lancet Oncology."
Even more interesting is that among their findings they note that "Even though very high HDI (Human Development Index) countries only contain 15% of the world's population, they accounted for 40% of cancer cases in the world in 2008."
Cancer is rapidly surging forward and bypassing all others as the number one cause of death and illness in most developed and developing countries. If cancer is merely a case of "bad luck" it would seem that the more you are exposed to modern industry, modern pollution, modern technology, and a modern chemical and radiation laden lifestyle, .... the unluckier you get!
It is clear SOMETHING is rapidly changing to rapidly increase the incidence rate of cancers - but it is not the human genome that has been the same for centuries. Nor is it the natural environment (trees are still trees, grass is still grass, rocks are still rocks, etc.).
In fact the ONLY thing that is changing as rapidly as the cancer rates is our MANMADE modern environment. Not sure why our medical experts seem reluctant to make the connection. Is it possible it may be because there is a whole multi billion dollar industry that RELIES (indeed thrives) on people getting sick? After all you can't sell profitable cures to people who aren't sick!
Just sharing my thoughts.
D.J. Ludlow
D.J. Ludlow
Copyright 2017
Tuesday, 10 October 2017
The Non-Entity Church of Jesus Christ
Anybody who hasn't noticed that Christianity is
on a direct collision course with the rest of the world has not been paying
attention. But while there has always been a spiritual war going on between God
and His adversaries a new "theatre of battle" is rapidly emerging as
nations are increasingly being deceived. A virulent battle is emerging in the
corridors of power and of courtrooms around the world. Churches are being sued,
pursued, and reviewed relentlessly in the legal and government circles of all
nations, egged on by a rampant media industry that has noticeably not been
church or God friendly for a very long time.
But this current battle is only possible because
while the world cannot "see" or "touch" the church of which
Christ Jesus alone is the head, a church that is in the world but not of the
world, all these other churches and religious institutions are both in the
world - and of the world. This is
because they exist as part of the world system.. They are LEGAL entities that
can be taxed, sued, legislated about, fined, audited, and pretty much anything
that can be done to a flesh and blood person can be done to a legal entity.
Indeed in the eyes of the law they ARE, a for all legal intents and purposes, a
single flesh and blood person. They are a corporate - body.
By stark contrast the Church of Jesus Christ is
not a legal entity, it is a SPIRITUAL entity. It is the body of Christ that is
not defined or operated by a single legal entity but by a single Spiritual
entity, the Holy Spirit of God Himself. The Church of which Jesus Christ is the
only "CEO" cannot be sued, it cannot be legislated against, it cannot
be taxed, it cannot be deregistered, it cannot be stripped of assets, etc.,
because ... It does not legally exist and never has. They cannot even arrest or
fine its CEO because - He was declared legally dead nearly 2,000 years ago.
The Church of Jesus Christ does not require a
building, it IS its own spiritual building, indeed it is a temple made
of living stones. It does not require a constitution, it already has the word
of God to guide it and prescribe how it is to conduct itself. It does not
possess physical or financial assets, it possesses the spiritual gifts and
power of the Holy Spirit by which it has the power to do anything the Lord
requires of it, both the possible - and the impossible.
Legal entity churches, denominations, and
religious institutions are creatures of the Earth, they are children born of
its legal and financial systems, and just as those legal and financial systems
gave them life they can also dramatically alter it or take it away - with the
stroke of a judge's or legislator's pen. But the non-entity church of Jesus
Christ cannot be touched by either for in the eyes of the law the Church of
Jesus Christ does not exist. It is nothing more than a foolish belief by some
people who seem to share an invisible and untouchable bond of unity as if
motivated and compelled by a single spirit of heart and mind whether they are
together or on opposite sides of the world. Whether they are fellowshipping and
gathered in one place or isolated in solitary confinement. Whether they are in
sickness or health, richer or poorer, male or female, master or slave, Jew or
Gentile of any nation, race, or colour., the bond and spirit remains undaunted,
undiminished and undivided.
They do not come together to run an
organisation, they come together to support and encourage one another in
serving a common master who was declared dead and no longer existent by THIS
world's legal system nearly 2,000 years ago. Who, in the eyes of the world, is
nothing more than an annoyingly persistent and troublesome memory. A person who
is both nowhere and yet at the same time everywhere, as He lives and works,
even now, in the individual lives of millions around the world be they by
themselves or with others.
Legal corporate entities have their practical
uses but there is great danger when they become the ends and not the means.
When the corporate church is no longer there to serve the needs of its members
but the members are there to serve the needs of the corporate church. Corporate
idolatry has already happened to many churches where serving the corporate body
of the church has been equated with serving Christ thereby making the corporate
church equal to Christ and eventually in the place of Christ in the lives of
its members. A corporate church must never be allowed to stand between its
members and Christ or interfere in or replace, the individual servant / master
relationship between a believer and Christ. Jesus, not a church, is our
personal Saviour, Lord and King. A follower of Christ follows none but Christ,
belongs to none but Christ. They have but one master, Christ Jesus, and one
Father in Heaven. A corporate church is not something they belong to, it is but
one of a number of tools they use. It is not a body corporate they gather to,
but fellow believers they fellowship with and work with as fellow servants who
likewise also belong to their Master. A legal corporate entity is a tool they
use only when it is needed and readily set aside when it is not.
The world cannot kill a fellowship of the
non-entity church of Christ Jesus by deregistering or annulling a legal
corporate entity it may be using because that is not where its life is. The
heart of a fellowship of the non-entity church of Christ Jesus is not its
corporate identity, it is Christ Jesus Himself and its lifeblood is the Holy
Spirit of God pumped through the veins of ..... Fellowship.
This bunch of "foolish" people will
STILL stand with, fellowship with and serve Christ either together or alone.
Whether together or alone they will still dare to stand before the whole world
and boldly declare we are the children of but ONE Father in Heaven, live by
only ONE word of God, the 66 books of the Bible, are in-dwelt by the ONE and
the SAME Holy Spirit, and have but ONE Saviour, Lord and sovereign King, Christ
Even without their legal corporate identity you
will know them by the love they have for one another and for others. By the
fruit of the Spirit within, that is beyond the reach of the world, you will
know them. For they will be caring and loving, joyful, peaceful, very patient,
gentle and kind, good, faithful, of humble demeanor, and self-controlled, as
together and individually they live in obedience and service to their one
master, Christ Jesus.
If you really want to know how well your church
will fare in the coming times ask yourself where its heart is? If the world
steps in tomorrow seizes all your church assets and liquidates them,
deregisters your corporate identity and winds you up legally and financially
will you survive as a fellowship of the non-entity church of Jesus Christ? Or
is everything about your church tied up in its worldly corporate identity,
worldly corporate structure, and worldly corporate assets?
D.J. Ludlow
"But ye are a chosen generation, a royal
priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the
praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:
Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had
not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy." (1Peter 2:9-10 / AV)
Provided it is done freely and without charge
"The Non-Entity Church of Jesus Christ" may
be copied, used and distributed
(in its entirety only, including this notice)
by brothers and
sisters in Christ
to the profit and glory of The Lord alone (ttpagoTLa)
By special permission of
D.J. Ludlow
#smallgiftsministries #ttpagoTLa
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