As I stand and gaze beneath the tree
All the presents in common have something I see.
Beautifully and neatly wrapped they be.
But what of the gift of Christ the King?
For it is a gift for us to give to Him.
But how should it be wrapped – that is the thing?
Some wrap His gift in the traditions of men.
Some wrap it tightly in rituals so solemn,
Like too much tape applied too often.
Some lock it up in precious chests of gold,
Encrusted with Jewels and intricately engraved and scrolled,
Where it lays dying in the dark midst the dust and the mould.
And some dress it up in embroidered robes,
And build it palaces and ornate abodes,
As the gift gets lost amid the bricks and the folds.
But as I stand and survey the world I see
The gift of Christ is everlasting life, abundant and free.
But in what is it wrapped? It is wrapped in ... ME!
Copyright D.J. Ludlow 2009.
(From my SGM eBook anthology "Life, Death, and Something Else" that is freely downloadable from
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