Friday, 28 October 2016

SEACHANGE: Episode 4 - Restoration Begins ...

 Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” (Isaiah 43:19.)

"In that I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commandments, His statutes, and His judgments, that you may live and multiply; and the LORD your God will bless you in the land which you go to possess." (Deuteronomy 30:16)

My serious ongoing health issues have always been a major part of our seeking from the Lord a way forward. A path toward healing and restoration of my health was vital if we were to have any future beyond a mere struggle for survival.

With careful management and strict avoidance of the vast array of triggering chemicals that pervade our modern world my health had improved, but only to a point. I was considerably better than I was when first diagnosed in 1996, but along with the MCS, several other serious health issues from pesticide poisoning remained and life continued to be an ongoing battle on many fronts for myself and my precious, ever supportive wife. But we knew the Lord had a bigger  plan for our lives than a daily battle to retain what health I had and to strictly avoid any trace of a very long and largely unknown list of chemicals. We just didn't know how to get to it. As normal in a life lived by faith we had to quite literally wait upon the Lord to show us the way forward to the life He had planned for us. So we waited, not always patiently I must admit, looking for His leading and when we saw it we followed it and ended up here in a waterfront unit on the coast. We were amazed at the string of miraculous events (covered in the previous "episodes") that guided us and enabled us to get here, But we soon found out that even more miracles were yet to come.

Although my severe allergic reactions to a large range of chemicals still occur if I encounter them, as soon as we arrived here on the coast many of my other worryingly persistent health issues began to rapidly ease. My life-threatening sleep apnea disappeared literally overnight. (Same bed, same linen, same pillows. Only our location changed.) My ongoing allergic conjunctivitis did the same. Then after being here a couple of weeks ( the longest we had ever stayed in this area) I "suffered" a massive detox event and my body just seemed to dump a whole heap of accumulated toxic "rubbish". So much so that my body even went through something like withdrawal symptoms (sweats, nausea, shakes, fever, chills, the whole bit).

But at the end I felt better than I had for ages and my persistent edema related (fluid retention) problems began to disappear rapidly, especially in my ankles and lower legs. It left me a bit "saggy baggy" and wondering what the heck was happening for a few days but things are re-adjusting themselves a bit better now. Still trying to get use to a trimmer healthier, fitter me but feeling more full of life than I have for a very long time.

I am sure doctors and other medical experts will have all sorts of theories and explanations as to why so many long term chronic health issues suddenly started clearing up overnight by simply moving. But we were led to move here by the Lord amid many earnest prayers for healing and soon after arriving here a lovely couple at the local church spontaneously laid hands on me and also prayed for complete healing. I know to whom my praise and thanks will always go. Thank You Lord for all things and the faithfulness of Your promises and leading.

That is the last of the "Seachange Episodes" (or perhaps I should have called them moving miracles). But the experiences of downsizing and moving has given me plenty of insights for other articles that I will add to my blog as and when it seems right. Back soon Lord willing.....

With love from Christ in IslandBard.