Monday, 13 July 2015

The Winnowing Wind

The world today is changing more rapidly and unpredictably than ever. The winds of change are growing stronger and it is worrying many who are puzzled why Jesus would allow Satan to deceive the nations and people of the world so that rather than coming to Christ the world is moving away further than ever from Jesus at an alarming rate.

The latest gale assaulting the nations of the world is, of course, the issue of "Marriage Equality". On the nod of just 5 judges even the USA, once considered the bastion of modern Christianity, has succumbed to the relentless winds of change determined to steer the world on a course away from the Lord. The same wind is now blowing through the corridors of power here in Australia. So what is going on?

The traditional way of ensuring a good and pure harvest of wheat involved a process called "winnowing". It was how you separated the good seed from the dry empty husks and accumulated rubbish that gets mixed in with it. You throw it all up in the air together and allow the wind to carry away the lightweight dry and empty husks and other rubbish while the much more substantial good seed always returns to where it was because the wind does not have the power to move it. But only when the wind is blowing will the good seed and the dry and empty husks be separated.

Satan is the winnowing wind the Lord allows to blow across the world to separate out and keep to Himself the good seed while the husks and chaff are carried away by Satan. And wherever Satan goes they will be carried along also to the end that has been decreed for them both.

As we face these winds of change sweeping over today's world there is coming a great separation among those who cry "Lord, Lord" and many will leave their churches. BUT do not be deceived for some will leave their church to chase after the winds of change. BUT others will find themselves faced with the heart rending choice of leave their church or die fighting for it, and with it, as it casts off both its purpose and anchor to be blown this way and that, ever further from Christ by the winnowing winds of change.

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"The Winnowing Wind" may be copied, used and distributed
(in its entirety only, including this notice)
by brothers and sisters in Christ
to the profit and glory of The Lord alone (ttpagoTLa)
By special permission of 
D.J. Ludlow copyright 2015

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