But the truth is that those who follow Christ do not give up one single good thing in life. They do not sacrifice one single pleasure. Ask me if there is anything I miss from before I committed my life to Jesus and I can quite honestly and truthfully tell you - "not a single thing".
There was a time I did take pleasure in sinful things - or at least what I thought was pleasure ... what everybody (mates, media, movies, etc.) TOLD me was pleasure. But the truth is that I found no real joy in it all. It's like scratching an itch. It feels good to scratch .... but you'd much prefer not to itch in the first place.
But now I find I have no pleasure whatsoever in sinful things. I have as much desire to sin as I would have swimming in a sewage pond. Neither holds ANY attraction for me whatsoever - I have no itch to scratch.
But let's be clear on what sin is, and what it is not. It is not sin to enjoy having a wife ... it is sin to enjoy having somebody else's wife. It is not a sin to drink alcohol (even though I personally choose not to - but that is just my personal choice and not a command from the Lord) but it is a sin to get drunk. It is not a sin to have stuff that belongs to you - it is a sin to have stuff that belongs to somebody else (without their permission). It is not a sin to have a good job - it is a sin not to do a good job of the one you have. The list goes on but you get the idea.
What most people lose sight of is that "pleasure" is not about what you do or don't do ... it is about HOW YOU FEEL about what you do and what you don't do. MY pleasure is to do the will of the Lord and to follow the word and command of Jesus. MY pleasure is to NOT sin. MY pleasure is to serve my Lord and my Saviour King, Jesus. THESE things are not burdensome to me, rather they bring me joy and pleasure.
Nor do they prevent me from enjoying the company of a beautiful and loving wife, enjoyment of the things I lawfully and legally have, the pleasure of the good and wholesome food I prefer. I also drink and enjoy what I PREFER to drink, listen to and watch and read and enjoy the things I prefer to listen to and watch and read, etc. AND I can do it all without sinning.
To me being able to serve and be with the Lord IS having a good time. To disobey the Lord or to be separated from Him would be the most miserable and crushing experience I could think of. To me it "feels good" to NOT sin. In following Christ I have denied myself NOTHING - except that which I do not want any part of anyway. In truth I could look the Lord and Jesus in the eye and in all honesty say "I am truly GLAD to be of service ... to YOU!
With Love From Christ in IslandBard.
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